Research undertaken by CARTIS has produced resources that we are happy to share here.
For university-accredited courses on custom medical device design, visit The first two 20 credit or 13 CPD point modules, 'Custom Medical Devices: Quality Management Systems' and Custom Medical Devices: Device Design are ready for enrollment.
You can also view our Vimeo video channel here. This includes videos on:
This video provides an insight into how patient outcomes are optimised through the use of advanced design engineering technologies.
It was originally filmed for ITV Cymru by James Critchon-Smith and has been reproduced with permission.
Towards Developing CAD/CAM Solutions in the Retention of Extra-Oral Facial Prosthetics. Steffan Daniel
The thesis demonstrates that CAD/CAM can be used to design, produce, and integrate bar-clip retention mechanisms in all aspects of the prosthesis production workflow. Digital measurement methods allow an objective evaluation of the important aspects of bar-clip mechanism design, identifying a number of inaccuracies/design flaws that current evaluation techniques fail to identify. The study concludes that the overall CAD/CAM workflow is not yet appropriate for clinical practice but there is potential in the newly developed processes and this drives future work.

Novel Design Intervention for Patient-Specific Surgical Devices. Sean Peel
This research identified drivers and barriers to routine National Health Service (NHS) adoption of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Additive Manufacturing (AM) for the production of patient-specific devices. It proposed and verified a design process intervention, which aimed to overcome the most important barriers and better exploit the drivers. The data generated and recorded in this work spanned qualitative and quantitative findings from fourteen real-world clinical case studies, a fully-realised structure for a Quality Management System (QMS), prototyping of a design intervention in a paper-based format, and verification of its intended impacts with three users across commercial and clinical contexts.

Developing Resilience & Local Supply Chains
This poster was presented at the 2019 Scientific Congress of the IMPT. It outlines research methodologies used during the Co-Meddi project
The Development Of Innovative Patient-Specific Surgical Guides. Ffion O'Malley.
PhD undertaken at PDR. This research focussed on the area of Maxillofacial Additive Manufactured Surgical Guides. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research has been undertaken to develop new knowledge about how guides are used, the cleanliness and surface roughness characteristics of the materials and the accuracy of procedures. The PhD thesis will cover the research results from the above topics, summarising and highlighting specific advantages & limitations from the planning, designing, fabrication and use of maxillofacial surgical guides. The discussion will highlight how the work has challenged some common assumptions; conclude the clinical implications of this and the need for further research.

The Computer Aided Design and Fabrication of Facial Prostheses. Dominic Eggbeer
This research critically evaluates and develops the current capabilities of technologies that may be used to assist in the production of soft tissue facial prostheses. Case study, action research methods were used to critically evaluate technologies in terms quality, economics and clinical viability. Technological limitations have been challenged and case studies in this thesis incorporate gradually more complex aspects of prosthesis design, such as implant retention mechanism design and fabrication and texture creation. Conclusions on the current capabilities, limitations and required future developments are made. The research culminates in a specification, against which developers may measure their technologies and towards which they may develop them to meet the needs of the profession and UK health service.

Workshop Report
The Future of Facial Prosthetics.
On the 12th Jan, 2012, an EPSRC funded workshop with the aim to clarify a research strategy for developing state of the art clinical practice in maxillofacial prosthetics was held at Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University. This report outlines the need behind a workshop in this area and concludes the findings from the workshop that provide direction for further research.
3D Printed Chest
3D Printed Thoracic Reconstrution.
We present the 3 dimensional (3D) computer aided design (CAD), manufacture and clinical application of a novel custom-made 3D laser sintered titanium alloy implant that provides skeleton reconstruction over a large chest wall resection and maintains the integrity of the thoracic cage.

Septal Buttons
Nasal septal perforations can be the result of various causes, including previous nasal surgery, external nasal trauma, digital trauma, cocaine use, infections, malignancy and vasculitis.
Septal perforations can cause symptoms that range in severity, and they can significantly impact patient’s quality of life. The most common symptoms are crusting, epistaxis, whistling, and the
perception of nasal obstruction.
This poster describes a technique to fabricate custom septal buttons.