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We are global. Through collaboration with organisations, including the Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction Foundation and Surgical & Prosthetic Design Academy, we offer training courses, workshops and placements that ensure the latest methods are translated into practice effectively. 


Please get in touch to discuss training opportunities tailored to your needs. We are also happy to discuss training partnerships with your organisation.




Our Vimeo account hosts videos of interesting case studies, research and innovations undertaken by the CARTIS collaboration.  Visit to check for updates. 


Forthcoming Training, Workshop & Conference Events


  • We're planning an in-person conference and workshop in quality management systems for custom medical devices in summer/autumn 2023. This is likely to be based in Cardiff. Please get in touch to register interest. 


  • Wales-Telangana Universities Partnerships Project. This small-scale pilot project will collaboratively develop a transdisciplinary and intersectoral workshop on custom medical device design and additive manufacture in June 2023. It will be held at Osmania University, India. The intention is to support long-term collaboration in research and teaching on custom medical device design and additive manufacturing. 



Recent Events


  • Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction (ADT) international congress. Amsterdam. 18th-21st Jan. 2023. Details here.


  • 30th Scientific Congress of the IMPT. 21st-23rd Sept. 2022. Visit here for details. 


  • 2020 Collaborative Medical Device Design Initiative workshop, Lucknow, India. Find out more here


  • Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction (ADT). 2019 global conference, Tokyo, Japan, 22nd-24th June 2019.  Further details are here.


  • British Council funded South Africa workshop. Nov. 2018. Details here


  • The most recent UK ADT Regional conference was hosted in Swansea on the 15th June 2018.  Further details are here.


  • Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction (ADT).  Global conference. The 2017 ADT meeting was hosted by the Facing Faces Institute in Amiens, France. The conference explored the future role of innovative digital technology in head and neck reconstruction. Further details are here 


©2024 by CARTIS

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